Monday 7 April 2014

Courgette, ricotta and pine nut lasagne

This is a very easy school night dinner and really satisfying and hearty. It will ensure you get a few of your five a day, as I believe passata can count towards one. It is also a great way of highlighting the humble courgette, the baby of marrows by teaming with creamy rich ricotta, tangy tomato and nutty salty cheddar.

What you will need
600g courgette
1 onion
9 sheets of lasagne
3-4 cloves garlic
250g ricotta cheese
1 tea spoon dijon mustard
60g cheddar or parmesan
600g pasatta
1 tea spoon fried oregano
1 tea spoon chilli flakes
2 table spoons of pine nuts

Firstly, begin by grating the courgettes (this should only take a couple of minutes), finely chopping the onion and crushing the garlic. Mix the three together, seasoning well with salt and pepper.

Next, stir in the ricotta cheese, mustard and pine nuts.

Now prepare the tomato sauce by mixing together the passata, chilli flakes and oregano.

Finally begin to layer up. One layer of lasagne sheets, half the the courgette mix and then a fifth of the passata. Repeat one more time, finishing with a top layer of lasagne sheets and 3/5 of the passata.

Finish with the grated cheddar cheese and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 45 minutes.

Serve with a fresh green salad and possibly some garlic bread if you are really starving. Gipsy Spread had a couple of pork steaks with his.

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